About Me

Our Story

Finding Strength in Adversity: My Breast Cancer Journey

Hey there, lovely souls! Welcome to my corner of the internet. My name is Heather, and I’m here to share with you a piece of my heart – my journey as a breast cancer survivor. My biggest support system was my twin sister Melissa. She has been by my side since we were born.

My story begins like many others – with a diagnosis that rocked my world to its core. I was diagnosed with stage 2b breast cancer in December of 2022. It was a moment that turned my life upside down, filled with fear, uncertainty, and a whirlwind of emotions. But amidst the chaos, there was a flicker of something else – a determination to fight, to survive, and to emerge from the darkness stronger than ever before.

The road to recovery was far from easy. I complete 5 tough months of chemotherapy, a lumpectomy, and 6 weeks of radiation. There were days when the pain seemed unbearable, when I questioned whether I had the strength to keep going. But with the unwavering support of my twin sister and close family and the incredible team of healthcare professionals by my side, I found the courage to press on, one step at a time.

Throughout my journey, I’ve learned countless lessons – about resilience, about gratitude, and about the beauty of life itself. I’ve discovered a newfound appreciation for the little things – a warm hug from a friend, a breathtaking sunset, the simple joy of being alive.

But perhaps the most profound lesson of all has been the importance of self-love and self-care. In the midst of battling a life-threatening illness, I’ve come to realize that taking care of myself – mind, body, and soul – is not selfish, but absolutely essential.

Now, as I stand on the other side of my battle with breast cancer, I am filled with a sense of gratitude and awe. Gratitude for every moment, every breath, every opportunity to embrace life with open arms. Awe at the incredible resilience of the human spirit, and the capacity we all have to overcome even the greatest of challenge.

About Twins4wellness

Twins4welness is a blog that Melissa and I started while I was recovering from my breast cancer surgery. I had a lumpectomy in June of 2023. I wanted to shared my breast cancer journey in order to help all the other women and men who are dealing with this devasting diagnosis. Our blog is about breast cancer information, self care and wellness. We both went to St. Norbert College and have Bachelor of Science Degrees in Biology. Science is our favorite subject and we both work in scientific fields. We have a tight-knit family and our goal is to help others through their cancer journeys.

Who is Twins4wellness for?

Twins4wellness is for anyone who is going through cancer or who is supporting a loved one dealing with cancer. We offer support for cancer patients along with self care and wellness tips. Our posts are about helping cancer patients deal with side effects from treatments and about how to feel beautiful during and after treatment. Our blog is for you if you need any of this information! If you want to leave a comment or have a question for us you can either leave a comment on our comment page or you email us at [email protected]. You can also follow us on Pinterest at Twins4wellness.
