Important Stages of Breast Cancer

Welcome back to Twins4Wellness, a platform dedicated to sharing important breast cancer information. In this blog post we address the important stages of Breast Cancer. I found out after my pathology report that I have stage IIb Breast Cancer. I did not know that there were different stages of breast cancer. It was all very confusing and scary to my family and me. I found that a lot of websites were confusing. So I wanted to explain the 5 stages of breast cancer in a way everyone can understand.

Breast cancer stages are determined by tumor size and if the cancer has spread. TNM is the most commonly used system for staging cancer. It evaluates the tumor size (T), Lymph node involvement (N), and any distant metastasis (M). For more information on Breast Cancer staging go to

The 5 Stages of Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Stage 0

This is non-invasive breast cancer or carcinoma in situ. In this stage, abnormal cells are present in the ducts or lobules (DCIS or LCIS) but it has not yet spread into any breast tissue. 

Breast Cancer Stage I

Stage I is when the tumor is small, less than 2 centimeters, and has not spread to lymph nodes or any distant areas of the body. 

Breast Cancer Stage II

Stage IIA is when the tumor is less than 2 centimeters and has spread to 1-3 nearby lymph nodes. Or when the tumor is between 2-5 centimeters and has not spread to lymph nodes.

Stage IIB is when the tumor is between 2-5 centimeters and has spread to 1-3 lymph nodes. Or is larger than 5 centimeters and has not spread to any lymph nodes. 

Breast Cancer Stage III

Stage IIIA is when the tumor can be any size but it has spread to 4-9 lymph nodes or is larger than 5 centimeters and has spread to 1-3 lymph nodes.

Stage IIIB is when the tumor has spread to the chest wall, or skin or caused ulceration of the breast.

Stage IIIC occurs when cancer has spread to 10 or more lymph nodes or has spread to the lymph nodes above or below the collarbone.

Breast Cancer Stage IV

This is the most advanced form of breast cancer. When cancer has spread to more distant parts of the body such as the liver, lungs, bones, or brain. 

The doctor will use the stage of breast cancer to determine the treatment plan. Since I am stage IIb my treatment plan consists of chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, and hormone blockers. Click here to view the different breast cancer treatments:


The information provided on this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.

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