Important Steps to Help Prepare For Breast Cancer Surgery

Welcome back to Twins4wellness, in this blog post we explore the different steps to take to prepare for breast cancer surgery. I had a lumpectomy on June 15, 2023, and I was not prepared for my surgery. The following is a list of essential steps to help you prepare for breast cancer surgery. 

Step 1: Consult Your Cancer Team

Discuss the surgical procedure, potential risks, and expected outcomes with your surgeon. Make sure to ask your surgeon any questions you have. All of my doctors during my cancer treatment have been more than willing to answer questions I’ve had even if I thought they were silly. Bring a support person and a notebook with questions to ask your cancer team. I was always anxious during my appointments and I would forget my questions. 

Step 2: Pre-Surgery Evaluations

Your surgeons may order tests such as blood work, imaging scans, or an ECG to assess your health and make sure you are healthy enough for surgery. I had an MRI to check if the tumor had shrunk and to determine if there was any shrinkage of positive lymph nodes. 

Step 3: Arrange For Support

Reach out to family and friends to get emotional support during and after your surgery. My co-workers, friends, and family were all very supportive during my chemo and before my surgery. It was helpful to have people to talk to about what was going on and to have their thoughts and prayers with you during surgery. 

Having a great support system is one of the most important steps to help prepare for breast cancer surgery. My mom and sister and sister in law were all wonderful support people.
Having a great support system is one of the most important steps to help prepare for breast cancer surgery. My mom and sister and sister in law are all wonderful support people.

Step 4: Arrange for Transportation

After surgery you cannot drive due to the anesthesia and pain meds so plan to arrange for someone to bring you home. My mom and husband were at the hospital but my husband had to watch our son. I made sure to talk to my mom about bringing me home. I ended up staying at her house to heal for a few days. She spoiled me while I was there making healthy meals and allowing me to actually rest and recover.

Step 5: Follow Pre-Surgical Instructions

The surgeon will give you instructions on fasting, your current medications, and any lifestyle changes you should make. For my surgery, I could not eat anything after midnight and could only have clear liquids after a specific time. 

Step 6: Lifestyle Modifications

Stop smoking (Smoking can hinder healing), eat healthy, drink water, and exercise. These lifestyle modifications will all help with the healing process. 

Step 7: Prepare Your Home

Make your home comfortable and gather all necessary supplies like loose-fitting clothing, button-down tops, and surgical dressings. Create an ideal resting spot with pillows and blankets. 

Step 8: Post-Surgery Care

Ask friends and family for help after surgery with household chores, meals, and childcare. I spent some time at my mom’s house so I could recover with less stress than if I was at home worrying about chores and my son. My husband took care of our son and the household chores. 

Step 9: Mental and Emotional Well-Being

Find some stress-relieving activities like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or talking to a counselor. Try to help manage your anxiety and promote a positive mindset. After my surgery, I did some meditation routines on my Fiton app on my phone and it really helped to keep me calm and reduced my stress. I was in a lot of pain the first few days after surgery and meditation helped to soothe me. 

These are some steps to help you prepare for surgery. I hope this list helps prepare you better for a successful surgery. We believe that the more knowledge you have the better you can be prepared for your breast cancer surgery. 


The information provided on this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.

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