The Best Chemo Bag Essentials: A Survivor’s Guide

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Welcome back to Twins4wellness! As a breast cancer survivor who has navigated the challenging journey of chemotherapy infusions, I understand the importance of preparation and comfort during these sessions. One of the ways to ease the process is by packing a well-thought-out chemo bag. Having the right items on hand can make a significant difference in your comfort and well-being during treatment. Here’s a guide, drawn from my own experience and that of others, on the best items to include in your chemo bag:

What to Pack in Your Chemo Bag: A Survivor’s Guide

Comfortable Clothing:

During chemo sessions, you’ll likely spend several hours in a treatment chair. So bring a comfortable sweater or sweatshirt. Make sure to wear layers to accommodate temperature fluctuations that can occur during infusion.

Hydration Essentials:

Staying hydrated is crucial during chemo. Bring a refillable water bottle to sip on throughout the session. Some survivors find that adding lemon slices or herbal tea bags to their water helps with taste changes caused by treatment. Here is a link to how to flavor your water: The Healthiest Ways to Flavor Your Water.

This is the water bottle I got before my chemo infusions. I liked it because it had times and amounts of water on the bottle.

Healthy Snacks:

Chemotherapy sessions can be long, and hunger may strike at any time. Pack nutritious snacks like fresh fruit, nuts, granola bars, or crackers to keep your energy levels up. Avoid foods that are heavy or greasy, as they may exacerbate nausea.


To pass the time during treatment, bring along entertainment options such as books, magazines, puzzles, adult coloring books, or a tablet loaded with your favorite movies or TV shows. Consider downloading calming music or meditation apps to help you relax during the infusion.

Comfort Items:

Surround yourself with comfort items to create a soothing environment. This could include a cozy blanket, a favorite pillow, or a comforting scent like lavender oil. Don’t forget to pack lip balm and lotion to combat dryness, which can be a side effect of chemotherapy.

Supportive Accessories:

Chemo sessions can be emotionally taxing, so having supportive accessories can provide a sense of comfort. Consider bringing a journal to jot down your thoughts and feelings, as well as items like a stress ball or worry stone to help you relax.

Personal Care Products:

Pack essential personal care items such as tissues, hand sanitizer, and wet wipes to stay clean and comfortable throughout the session. Some survivors also find relief from dry mouth by bringing sugar-free candies or lozenges.

Communication Tools:

Keep in touch with loved ones during treatment by bringing your phone and charger. Consider creating a group chat or email list to keep friends and family updated on your progress and coordinate support.

Medical Information:

It’s essential to have important medical information readily available during chemo sessions. Keep a list of medications you’re taking, as well as contact information for your healthcare team in case of emergencies.

Positive Affirmations:

Finally, bring along some positive affirmations or inspirational quotes to uplift your spirits during challenging moments. Remind yourself of your strength and resilience as you navigate this journey.

Remember, every individual’s experience with chemotherapy is unique, so feel free to personalize your chemo bag with items that bring you comfort and peace of mind. By being prepared and surrounded by supportive resources, you can face your chemo infusion with greater confidence and resilience. You’ve got this!

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