The Most Complete List of Signs for Breast Cancer

Welcome back to Twins for Wellness, a platform dedicated to sharing stories of strength, resilience, and empowerment. In this blog post, we address a complete list of signs of breast cancer.

Melissa and I found the most complete list of the signs of breast cancer so that we could know what to look for in case she had any of these signs. She and I are identical so there is a chance that should could also develop breast cancer.
Melissa and I found the most complete list of the signs of breast cancer so that we could know what to look for in case she had any of these signs. She and I are identical so there is a chance that should could also develop breast cancer.

The Top 7 Signs of Breast Cancer to Look Out for

I discovered a grape-sized lump in my right breast. My husband and sister encouraged me to get it checked out because it was unusual. I put off calling the doctor because I was stressed out and busy at work. I wish I would have gone in earlier but I am glad my doctor listened to me and sent me in for a mammogram.

Early detection of Breast Cancer can improve treatment outcomes by a lot. I have done some research on the most common signs of breast cancer. Here is a list of the most common signs of breast cancer.

Unusual Lump

A lump or thickness of the breast or underarm area. I didn’t realize that lymph nodes could also be cancerous and could be enlarged as well as lumps in the breast. I ended up having two lymph nodes that were positive for cancer. So if you feel a marble-like lump in your armpit that is very hard please let your doctor know.

Even if you are young and think maybe it’s due to your breast being dense, get it checked out. The sooner cancer is discovered, the better so that treatment can start as soon as possible.

Breast Size

Changes in the size or shape of a person’s breast can indicate breast cancer. Make sure to go to your annual check-up, this is where your doctor will do a breast exam. Make sure to tell your doctor if you notice any unusual changes to your breasts.

Women at doctor office getting an annual checkup

Nipple Changes

If there are any changes in the nipples such as inversion, redness, or swelling this could be an early sign of breast cancer. Make an appointment if you notice anything unusual with your nipples. Especially if you are not breastfeeding.

Nipple Discharge

If there is any unusual nipple discharge especially if it is bloody it could be a sign of breast cancer.  Once again, get checked out if there is bloody discharge.

Don’t put off a visit to your doctor like I did. I was lucky that the cancer only spread to my lymph nodes, but if I didn’t go in when I did who knows how far it would have spread.


Any unusual swelling or dimpling of the skin on the breast could be an early sign of breast cancer. 

Breast pain

If there is new breast pain that doesn’t go away it could indicate breast cancer. Don’t stress out if you experience these symptoms, but do get checked out just in case.

Worst case scenario you spend extra money on tests. Treatment for more advanced breast cancer will be a lot more expensive than treatment if you catch it early.


Any new changes in the appearance of the breast such as skin puckering or ridges

Not all changes in the breasts indicate cancer but please see a medical professional if you have 1 or more of these signs of breast cancer. I encourage you to have regular mammograms and perform at-home breast self-exams.


The information provided on this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle. 

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