The Scary Reoccurrence Rate of Hormone Positive Breast Cancer

Breast cancer affects millions of women worldwide, and understanding its complexities is crucial for informed decision-making and proactive care. Twins4Wellness recognizes the importance of knowledge in navigating the journey of breast cancer. In this blog post, we will delve into the reoccurrence rate of hormone-positive breast cancer, shedding light on this specific subtype and empowering individuals with valuable insights. I was diagnosed with hormone positive breast cancer in December 2022. In this post we discus the scary reoccurrence rate of hormone positive breast cancer.

Understanding the Reoccurrence Rate of Hormone Positive Breast Cancer

What is Hormone Positive Breast Cancer?

Hormone-positive breast cancer refers to a subtype of breast cancer that is influenced by hormones, specifically estrogen and progesterone. Tumors of this type have receptors on their surface that can bind to these hormones, allowing them to grow and multiply. The presence of these hormone receptors determines the hormone-positive status of the breast cancer.

Understanding Reoccurrence Rates:

Individual Variations:

It’s important to note that each person’s experience with breast cancer, including reoccurrence rates, can vary. The reoccurrence rate depends on various factors, such as the stage of cancer at the time of diagnosis, the effectiveness of treatment, and individual characteristics, including age, overall health, and genetics. While statistics can provide a general understanding, it is essential to consult with your healthcare team for personalized information. Here is an occurrence rate calculator to see what your rate would be:

Early Stages vs. Advanced Stages:

For hormone-positive breast cancer, the reoccurrence rate tends to be highest in the first few years after treatment. This is particularly true for the early stages of cancer. However, the risk decreases over time, and the chances of reoccurrence decrease significantly after the five-year mark. Continued surveillance and follow-up care are crucial even after this period, as the risk never completely diminishes.

Adjuvant Hormone Therapy:

Adjuvant hormone therapy plays a crucial role in reducing the risk of reoccurrence in hormone-positive breast cancer. Medications such as tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors are often prescribed to block the effects of estrogen and reduce the chances of cancer cells growing or spreading. Compliance with the recommended treatment plan can significantly contribute to lowering the reoccurrence rate. After radiation I will be doing hormone therapy. It is scary but I hope to no have a breast cancer reoccurrence.

Other Factors Influencing Reoccurrence:

Several factors can impact the reoccurrence rate of hormone-positive breast cancer. These include the presence of lymph node involvement, tumor grade, tumor size, and the aggressiveness of the cancer cells. Additionally, lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, and overall wellness can play a role in reducing the risk of reoccurrence.

Empowering Actions for Lowering Reoccurrence Risk:

Adhere to Treatment Plans:

Consistently following your prescribed treatment plan, including hormone therapy, is crucial to reducing the risk of reoccurrence. Discuss any concerns or potential side effects with your healthcare team to ensure optimal compliance and effectiveness. My treatment plan for after radiation is hormone therapy and an oral chemo pill for two years.

Maintain Regular Follow-ups:

Continued follow-up appointments and screenings are essential to monitor your health and detect any potential signs of reoccurrence. Collaborate closely with your healthcare team to establish a surveillance plan tailored to your unique circumstances.

Embrace a Healthy Lifestyle:

Adopting a healthy lifestyle can contribute to reducing the risk of reoccurrence. Focus on maintaining a balanced diet, engaging in regular physical activity, managing stress levels, and avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption. These lifestyle choices can positively impact your overall well-being and cancer recurrence risk. I do struggle with eating a healthy balanced diet but I am trying to adopt a better diet. I plan to go to the gym as soon as I am cleared by my surgeon. 

Seek Emotional Support:

The emotional journey of breast cancer can be challenging, and seeking support from loved ones, support groups, or counseling services can provide invaluable assistance. Emotional well-being plays an integral role in your overall health and resilience.


Understanding the reoccurrence rate of hormone-positive breast cancer provides insight into the unique challenges associated with this subtype. While statistics can provide a general understanding, it is essential to remember that every individual’s experience is unique. By working closely with your healthcare team, adhering to treatment plans, maintaining regular follow-ups, embracing a healthy lifestyle, and seeking emotional support, you can empower yourself to lower the risk of reoccurrence and live a fulfilling life beyond breast cancer. Twins4Wellness encourages you to stay informed, stay resilient, and embrace a proactive approach to your health and well-being.

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